Quick Tips

Here are some quick tips to help you find a course on this site.


Search Bar

To quickly confirm if a course you are interested is on the site, type a keyword or phrase into the search bar - all courses related to your query will automatically populate once you enter the keyword or phrase. To remove a search, delete the keyword(s) and hit enter. 


Filtering by Topic and Subtopic

To refine your search, you can filter our course library by topic/subtopic. On the left side of the site, click the topic(s) you are interested in. Once you select the topic(s) you are interested in, you will find a list of all the subtopics pre-selected related to that topic - to further refine your search, you may de-select subtopics. Once you have all of the topics and subtopics selected, click "Apply". You may also filter by course format (online, in-person, and blended) at the same time. 


Filtering by Course Format

There are currently three types of format offered - Online, In-person, and Blended. Interested learners can filter by these formats by simply clicking on one or more of the formats. Once a format is selected, learners should click on “Apply”. Filtering by format can be used in combination with topics/subtopics.  


Creating a “Favorite” List

To add a course to your favorite list, click on a course card, and after reading the information, in the bottom right click on the “heart” - once you click on the icon, the heart will turn red. To view all of the courses you have added to this list, navigate to the left hand side of the site, click on “Favorites” - here is where you will find a list of all your “favorited” courses, and where you can also manage the list of courses. 



To compare courses, you simply click the checkbox on the top right of a given course card - you may compare up to four courses at a time. Once you’ve selected all of the courses you would like to compare, navigate to the left hand side of the site, click on the “Compare” button. You will then see information about each course, ranging from the start date, topic, format, price, etc. You can easily remove a course by clicking on the “X” in the top right corner of each column. You can add this comparison chart to your “Favorite” list by clicking on the heart in the top left of the page. Finally, you can share the list with your friends and family on social media, or email the link to yourself or a friend!


Share a Course

You may share a course you are interested in via social media, copying the link, or email. Once you read the course information, click the share icon in the bottom right of the course card; there will be an option to share on social media, copy the link, or email a link to yourself or a friend.